I have 3 beautiful Grandies that live in West Virginia. There is GG1 the oldest, GG2 the middlest and GG3 the youngest. Recently I spent several weeks helping to care for them while school was out. GG1 and GG2 learned how to make pillowcases - it was sew much fun!!!!
The girls picked out their pillowcases kits at Wall marts and voila within a few days their very first pillowcase.
(At the end of the post I have included directions for making pillowcases in case you want to make one again.)
This is GG2 sewing on the Janome machine like a pro. She sewed straight for 3 hours.

This is GG1 ironing her camouflage pillowcase.

Nana just learned the difference between Pressing and Ironing from one of her quilting buddies at the Swamp Fox Quilters. Ironing for the iron challenged like me is when you push the iron back and forth to get rid of wrinkles. Pressing is placing the iron down carefully as to set a seam. Who knew such differences existed?

GG1 quickly figured out not only how to sew but how to re-thread the machine, but most important how to thread the needle. Nana’s eyes were extremely grateful. I was so intimidated by this machine, but the grandies took to it like ducklings take to water. She is deciding what decorative stitching to use on the pillowcases edging.

GG1 quickly figured out not only how to sew but how to re-thread the machine, but most important how to thread the needle. Nana’s eyes were extremely grateful. I was so intimidated by this machine, but the grandies took to it like ducklings take to water. She is deciding what decorative stitching to use on the pillowcases edging.
Here are the proud grandies with their beautiful pillowcases.
A week after I got home I got texted this picture of GG2’s Pillowcase with the message ..

Sew many Wonderful Memories!!!!
Here are the directions for the pillowcase.
The Wall Mart kit comes with directions however here are directions that were part of the Million Pillowcase project that my quilting guild is participating in.
Wowee KaZOWEE......and away you went....you are taking to blogging like Lucy to Wine Making!
My daughter (Ethel's apprentice) has finished five pillows to date! She also made a gorgeous pin cushion at Camp Nana Stitches. Her favorite creation was an apron she made for her Grandma who exclaimed, "that is the best present I have every gotten". Which is pretty high praise when you are the 9th and last grandchild!
Love the blog!
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