I always loved fairy tales as a child and a little dog named Princess came to live with me.
This is my favorite picture of Princess and my sister Liz who is quite the photographer took most of the pictures in Princess's story that follows.
Princess is a rescue dog and as near as I can figure out Princess has had least 4 owners.
I blame and thank the Dog Whisperer Ceasar Milan for my adoption of Princess. I had started watching the program hoping to overcome my reaction of fear to dogs and ended up adopting this sweet little dog. Cesar Milan says you never get the dog you want, but the dog you need.
I was still working as a teacher and talked about adopting a small dog for about a year when one of the teachers I worked with came up to me as asked if I was interested in adopting her mother's dog. Her sister found the dog under a big ford pickup and all these men were trying to get her out. Princess stayed with Debra's mother for a few years and then her mother sickened with cancer.Princess stayed the next year basically at the vet's office in a small cage waiting for her mother to get better. It was then when I was asked if I would adopt princess.
Princess was brought over and she was walked very daintily on the leash which was important for me as I have problems walking. She also loved to sleep with me in my bed. I loved bathing her once a week. Nowadays I do it once a month.

She is a snow white dog and I believe she is a spitz or minature american eskimo.
I say she has Dr. Seuss feet. She can be quite the circus dog jumping very very high leaps.
She was very nervous and shy of people especially men when I got her. I took her with me and she generally sat on my lap at first. Now she loves to be around people and especially adores children. GG3 is her most special child friend in the whole world. GG3 can hug her death and princess just gives her what Ethel calls flutter fly kisses.

She is very royal about playing. She reminds me of Julie Andrews in the Princess Diaries sliding down the banister on the mattress. She plays for just a few minutes. She loves little balls. Her newest toy is the Stuffing Free Crazy Critter shown her. My son bought the toy for her because she was so good about leaving all the children's toys alone at his house. She carried up the toy to our bed and we slept together.
I call Princess my good luck dog. About a year after I got Princess I needed to retire from teaching after 24 years. My arthritis has gotten very bad. I consulted a Lawyer in Hartsville who specialized in Disability cases. When I was ushered into his office, I met a true Southern Gentleman from the old school. He was surrounded by bookcases full of books, behind a huge dark antique desk and wearing a white suit. He asked about my connections and I had the sweetest one of all. You see Princess was his mother's dog. Mr. Bledsoe spoke to be and offered wonderful advice for over an hour.
I love going places with Princess. Children adore her and she always is quite the conversation starter. I have made wonderful connections with people as she is quite the ambassadoras for her breed. Her favorite people are the ones that I love the most: my daughter, my best bud mike, my best girl friend Ethel, my son and my GG2 who loves her the best of all the children.
Princess is now about 7 or 8 years old in doggie years so about 50 to 60 years in people years and she is slowing up a little. She sleeps more then I do. She has changed my life for the better and taught me that I deserve love and loyalty.
I would love to hear your doggie stories.
This is truly a fairy tale ending fit for a Princess. I love the pictures of our girl (and you).
Hey, Lucy! I found you via our mutual friend Donnamo.
Princess sounds like a sweetheart. I would like a calm, mild-mannered dog but right now we have a beagle who will be a year old next month. He is very hyper and excited all the time and jumps up on us, which I cannot stand, and, worst of all, he makes a mess in our yard by chewing and tearing up stuff! I love him but, deep down inside, I am more of a cat person.
Looking forward to more of your posts! Please come visit me at my blog, too!
I feel honored that I have actually held and observed Princess in all of her regal splendor!
She is all that she said she was, and the year in a box waiting for her owner to heal breaks my heart and brings tears to my eyes!
I am so happy you found each other. My dog, Cooper, had a particular fondness for Princess when we saw her last, unfortunately, despite Coopers wonderful pedigree and manners, I think Princess prefers a boyfriend that is less than 42 pounds, and maybe a tad less... um, enthusiastic?
I love the lawyer part of the story, too. That just reminds me of "A GOD THING"!
So glad you and Ethel teamed up and are such a pair! Love the blog already. If you click on the blue part by a person who comments name for example, "mary bailey" above, it will take you to their latest blog post. You may have known that, but it took me a while to figure that out when I started! Welcome to Blog world, it can be addictive at first!
I also found you through Donnamo. I love rescue dogs! I have had 3. Most recently I had Oscar the dachshund; my husband gave me Oscar for my birthday in 2005. He had a regal way about him, too. You could always tell when he disapproved of whatever you might be doing by his huffing sigh. I moved to Kansas in January after living my entire life in SC and Oscar was my little shadow all day while my husband worked. He developed a tumor that kept him from eating and he had to be put to sleep on March 10. It was so hard! He gave me a lot of joy (and maybe some exasperation here and there) for the 4 1/2 years we had him; I'm itching to get another rescue dog!
I should clarify that my dog and not my husband developed the tumor. :)
What a precious story.
You are so right. Today interestingly enough I put a picture of Charlie, my cat on our Seekerville blog. Charlie is a rescue kitten and I rescued her. Then she rescued me. LOL.
God is so good to meet our needs.
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